New ECO™ Air-Cooled Chillers from Conair Offer Extreme Operational Flexibility

Designed for outdoor installation and providing chilled water to plastics processing equipment indoors, new Conair ECO™ packaged chillers are rugged enough to function efficiently under almost any ambient conditions, while providing a process-temperature setpoint range that is among the widest in the industry.

A total of six models are available with cooling capacity ranging from 40 to 120 tons. All feature direct-drive hermetically sealed scroll compressors, proven in their reliability, low maintenance requirements and efficient operation. Dual refrigeration circuits, with multiple compressors, provide built-in redundancy, while the larger units (80 through 120 tons) also incorporate independent process fluid circuits as well. The modular design of the ECO chillers mean multiple units can be connected to a single control interface, providing centralized control of up to 12 temperature-control circuits. A series of 60-ton units, for instance could deliver up to 720 tons of cooling. Processors can build system based on existing loading requirements and then easily expand to meet future needs.

Wide ambient operating conditions, from -20 to 125F (-29 to 52C) mean the ECO chillers can operate in all but the most extreme environments. An operating setpoint range from 20 to 80F (-6.6 to 26.6C) allows them to meet almost any process temperature requirement with +/- 2F accuracy.

Green Cool Technology

“The ECO name falls in line with other Conair heat-transfer products including EarthSmart™ label,” explains Jim Fisher, General Manager, Heat Transfer. “Among other energy-saving features, the new central chiller line offers instantaneous, continuous calculations performed to deliver increased efficiency under partial load, with automatic refrigeration pressure control. Variable-speed fan motors and dynamically controlled valves also ensure efficient operation at low noise levels and deliver increased temperature stability under varying load and condenser inlet temperatures. We call this Green Cool technology.”

PLC Control

The new Conair chillers come equipped as standard with the same PLC control and a 7-inch color touch screen HMI used on other Conair chillers, making operator training and maintenance much easier. The clear, simple-to-understand digital display shows all significant pressures and temperatures, as well as compressor/pump/fan running hours, and performance trend charts for key operating parameters such as process fluid temperatures. The control also include Modbus RTU or TCP/IP communications as standard with other communication protocols available optionally. It is fully compatible with the SmartServices™ platform — Conair’s cloud-based Industry 4.0 solution for auxiliary equipment monitoring, management, and analysis.

Other Standard Features

Chiller evaporators use a high-efficiency brazed plate heat-exchanger, and pump packages for high and low pressure can be provided as well. This kind of construction ensures maximum performance, long life, and an enhanced level of protection from harsh process conditions. Micro-channel aluminum condensers are energy efficient and compact, use less refrigerant, and withstand high-pressure spray for easy cleaning. Compressor protection is ensured by start-to-start anti-recycle control logic that limits cycling under low-load operating conditions, extending compressor life. The 24-volt DC power supply ensures dependable control circuit power and isolates the control circuit from static interference to ensure stable and precise operation.

Besides offering discrete packaged chiller units, Conair is also well-known for its unparalleled systems design and installation capabilities, making use of a full-time in-house installation crew. ECO chiller also come with Conair’s exclusive Uptime Guarantee and are supported by the industry’s largest and most experience team of part and service specialists.

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New Wireless RFID Line-Proofing Technology Guides Resin Selection and Purging Using Color-Change Indicators

Conair’s new wireless RFID line-proofing technology uniquely simplifies and error-proofs resin distribution by translating source/destination connections from the conveying control and HMI into operator instructions guided by color-changing LEDs on the resin selection tabletop.  Other key features of this easy-to-use system include an LED-guided line purging option and full compatibility with Conair’s evolving Wave Conveying™ technology.

The new RFID line proofing system works with Conair’s recently introduced SmartFLX™ conveying control and an RFID-capable Resin Selection System (RSS) table. Each material port on the modified RSS table connects, via a fantail assembly, to a specific resin supply and is associated with an RFID antenna that is protected from damage beneath the RSS tabletop. All resin sources, along with their RSS ports and unique RFID antenna addresses, are tracked in the material source/destination database in the SmartFLX control.

Above the RSS table, the flex tubes to destination receivers are equipped with steel connection handles that contain and protect uniquely coded RFID chips, whose addresses are associated with destination receivers and stored in the SmartFLX database. Wireless signals between the flex-tube RFID chip and the antenna at each RSS port are used by the SmartFLX control to proof each connection.

Light-guided material selection prevents operator errors

When an operator initiates a material change using the RSS table, the SmartFLX control consults the material/source/destination database to identify one or more RSS port(s) linked to the correct resin source, as well as one or more flex tube(s) linked to the desired destination. Then, as these correct connection(s) are displayed on the HMI screen, the control translates them into light-guided instructions using LEDs embedded in the surface of the RSS table.

A correct flex tube (destination) is indicated by a flashing yellow LED, indicating that it should be unplugged from its current position and moved to a new RSS port (source) identified by a flashing blue LED. To make the connection, the operator moves the flex tube end to the indicated RSS port, then connects the tube into the port, aligning the tube’s RFID-equipped handle with the tabletop slot next to the port. Inserting the tube handle into this slot aligns its RFID chip with the port’s RFID antenna, enabling the SmartFLX control to proof the connection. The tabletop LED flashes green to indicate a good connection, after which the SmartFLX control unlocks the destination receiver and initiates the conveying cycle.

Should an operator attempt to connect either the wrong tube or port, the tabletop LED at that port flashes red, indicating an error, while the LED for the correct port continues to flash blue until the correct tube/port connection is made. For added reference, the SmartFLX HMI continues to display the correct tube/port combinations as well, using numbers that correspond to the markings on flex tube handles and RSS port positions.

“Clean Cycle” Purging Process Eliminates Resin Contamination Risk

Conveying systems often have a combination of non-purged and purged lines. Lines that are not automatically purged (e.g., cleaned with an air-only purge cycle that flushes all remaining resin to the receiver) may leave behind some resin that can be picked up, contaminating the resin in the next conveying cycle. Many line-proofing systems rely on operators to recognize this risk and perform a manual line purge when needed. But if busy operators forget, resin contamination can occur.

To error-proof the cleaning of non-purged lines and eliminate any resin contamination risk, Conair’s RFID line proofing system introduces “Clean Cycle.” This process combines a filtered purge-air source/port on the RSS table with color-coded LED indicators that guide operators through the correct purging sequence. It is managed by the SmartFLX control, which knows the purge status of each source and automatically adds the Clean Cycle process whenever resin is conveyed from a non-purged source.

Here’s how the Clean Cycle process works:  As soon as an operator completes a material conveying cycle from a non-purged source, the LED at that RSS port switches from flashing green to flashing yellow – indicating that the flex tube needs to be moved – while the LED for the Clean Cycle port flashes blue. When the flex tube is connected to the Clean Cycle port, the purging connection is proofed, its LED flashes green, the destination receiver is unlocked, and the line is completely purged – any remaining resin is pushed through to the receiver.

Completion of each Clean Cycle process is managed and validated by the SmartFLX control and recorded for traceability in the SmartFLX event log. Even in the event of a long delay or an operator change, the yellow and blue LEDs associated with the Clean Cycle process remain lit until the purge operation is completed. Only then can normal resin selection and conveying resume.

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Conair Updates Mini-DeDuster® C-50 Separator; Eliminates Moving Parts and Adds Built-In Level Sensor

In a major redesign of the patented DeDuster® C-50 separator, Conair has simplified operation, eliminated wear-prone moving parts, and improved processing of regrind, which can be very dusty. The system, which nominally processes up to 50 lb/hr (22.5 kg/hr), is unbeatable when it comes to removing lightweight dust, angel hair and streamers from otherwise high-quality pelletized feedstock and regrind being fed to plastics processing machines. If not removed, dust and other lightweight fractions can cause cosmetic problems in molded or extruded products, including haziness, gels and black spots, as well as mechanical flaws and housekeeping problems.

Major design improvements include an adjustable, pneumatically driven vibratory feeder that replaces a paddle-style metering device, which was prone to wear, and which had occasional problems feeding regrind. With the vibratory feeder, regrind flows smoothly and there are no moving parts in contact with the material and, thus, no chance of wear. The feed rate is adjusted via a knob that regulates pneumatic pressure driving the vibrating tray.

Designers also created a wider opening through which solids flow inside of the DeDuster. The previous smaller opening was prone to bridging with regrind particles even as small as ¼ inch (6.4 mm). Now, with the larger opening, the DeDuster can typically process regrinds up to 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).

The other enhancement is a built-in level sensor that shuts off the feeder when the hopper below is nearly full. This is important because the DeDuster cannot operate in a flood-feed condition. With the previous generation of the product, users needed to know the precise volume of the hopper and demand of the processing machine and then manually adjust feed rates to prevent over-filling.

The Conair DeDuster C50 commonly achieves residual dust content of <50 ppm for fines smaller than 500 micron and 100% streamer removal. It is extremely lightweight, weighing just 40 lbs (18.2 kg) and requires only 13.25 inches (337 mm) of additional headroom above the feedthroat of the molding machine or extruder and loading or drying hoppers. It features stainless steel construction, 110 or 220 V operation and only consumes 7 CFM (12 m3/h) compressed air at 90 psi (6.1 bar) pressure.

Once mounted on the processing machine, the Conair DeDuster C50 requires only a single-phase AC power connection and tubing connected to plant compressed air. A simple on/off switch starts the unit and feed rate is set with a rotary knob. Another knob can be used to adjust the desired level of dust removal.

As raw material enters the unit from a standard hopper loader or receiver, the vibratory tray regulates the flow into the de-dusting chamber. The compressed air is introduced directly from the plant-air system and split into three streams. The first drives the vibrating table, while a second stream passes through an ionizer before entering the body of the DeDuster where it creates turbulence and breaks the electrostatic bond between pellets and the dust/angel hair. As the heavier, clean pellets continue through the feedthroat into the processing machine, the third air stream passes through a venturi and draws the lighter contaminants into a mini-cyclone so that they fall out of suspension and into a clear catch bin. The air is exhausted through a filtered outlet.

The effectiveness of the system is immediately visible as the undesirable components accumulate in the clear catch bin. The DeDuster C50 separator yields clean dust-free pellets, which makes it ideal for medical processors and others that cannot accept imperfections in finished parts. Fines and streamers can also clog IMM melt-flow paths and accumulate on extruder screws and dies. These problems cause costly downtime. Payback can be expected in about a month based on reduced scrap levels and reduced processing-machine maintenance.

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New Conair SmartFLX™ Conveying Control Offers Auto-Configuration, Easy Installation, Cost-Saving Diagnostics

Conair’s new SmartFLX™ conveying control introduces a new system architecture with a more powerful PLC processor, faster and clearer communications, a Universal I/O panel structure, and an intelligent configurator that simplifies and reduces costs for system design and installation, system expansion, and remote diagnostics. Best of all, by leveraging these improvements, many users will be able to adopt the SmartFLX system at a lower capital cost and with lower long-term operating costs than current FLX-128 systems.

Originally introduced in 2009, the FLX conveying control was developed as a “flexible” alternative to complex, large-scale control systems. Users could start small with a basic system of just 8 loaders and 2 pumps (with one back-up pump), and retain the flexibility to increase capacity and capability over time. The original FLX system provides such high-level functions as multi-source/multi-destination loading, ratio loading, reverse common-line conveying for regrind recovery, fill sensing, and more. Over the years, the option to start small has remained, but the maximum capacity of the FLX system has expanded to the point that, when fully loaded, it can manage 40+ pumps, 128 receivers, and 256 controlled sources. In 2018, Conair offered users the option to add slow-speed, dense-phase Wave Conveying™ and Smart Services™ monitoring capabilities to the FLX system.

SmartFLX Architecture supports new, intelligent features

The new “smart” FLX conveying control system incorporates all of the FLX system capacity noted above, but does so with a new system architecture that is easier and more cost-effective to configure, install, manage, and expand,” says Nick Paradiso, Conair’s Product Manager, Conveying Systems. “We named this system SmartFLX because this new platform supports intelligent features: system self-configuration to aid installation, system simulations and modeling to manage system growth, and self-diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities that eliminate most on-site service calls. The SmartFLX platform will also be the foundation for a wide range of new product additions to be launched around NPE ’21.”

A 10” high-resolution color monitor displays the new SmartFLX user interface, the product of extensive user testing, optimizes menu presentation and keystrokes associated with common user tasks. The interface incorporates a context-sensitive Help system that provides specific instructions for each screen presentation. It operates atop a new PLC processor and software, with all system intelligence centralized in the system’s main panel for easy, single-point software upgrades.

The new SmartFLX architecture separates communications into two channels. Control and diagnostic signaling for Conair equipment travels on a channel built to the lightning-fast, ultra low-noise Powerlink™ standard. This new standard, developed to support crystal-clear data communications in noisy industrial environments, operates at a speed that is more than 6,000 times faster than older communications protocols (e.g., 0.00045 milliseconds vs 3.0 milliseconds). All third-party equipment, as well as system reporting functions, are carried on the second data communications channel, which operates using the versatile and proven Modbus communication protocol.

A key cost-saving feature of the SmartFLX architecture are “universal” system I/O panels. These enable any factory-configured SmartFLX system main panel (and remote or utility panel, when needed), to accept and operate any type of I/O — analog or digital, alarm or HMI, Wave Conveying valves or sensors, or pumps/receivers/loaders/ratio valves — in any available slots. This innovation means that the SmartFLX system can now support greater overall capacity – up to 40+ pumps, 256+ receivers and 500+ controlled sources and all available features – using just three I/O panel types.  Operating the same features and equipment – many of which were added to the original FLX control following its introduction – would have required purchase and configuration of up to eight different, dedicated types of I/O panels.

Configurator helps installation, expansion, and troubleshooting

Also unique to the SmartFLX system is a software-based system configurator that simplifies everything from system design and ordering, to installation and expansion, to operations and maintenance/troubleshooting. When provided with initial conveying system and equipment requirements, the configurator can automatically develop an optimized conveying system plan, delivered in a set of current, complete system configuration files. These revision-controlled files can then be used to generate a complete bill of materials, suitable for project ordering, plus detailed electrical schematics and “point to point” I/O maps to guide installation and wiring.

Should system growth be required, the SmartFLX configurator can automatically identify available panel and I/O capacity, assess whether this capacity will be sufficient to meet the additional need, then provide an optimized installation plan.  When the installation plan is accepted, the configurator automatically updates all system configuration files so that every detail of the latest installation is preserved.

For help with complex troubleshooting or questions, customers can share current system configuration files with Conair support personnel. Armed with a functional replica of their customer system created by the SmartFLX configurator, Conair personnel can evaluate performance, review equipment duty-cycle data, test alternate settings, or identify fault conditions remotely, without the need for an in-person visit. Then, as issues are resolved, changes can be saved into updated system configuration files and transmitted for uploading by the customer. This breakthrough in remote diagnosis and troubleshooting capability promises huge savings in the cost of system support since, in most cases, on-site service calls can be eliminated.

Looking ahead, Paradiso adds that new SmartFLX product additions are already in the pipeline, with the first to be introduced at NPE ’21. These involve inventory management, line proofing, enhanced system diagnostics, and new Wave Conveying automation.  “Several of these products will be introduced virtually at NPE ’21, and we welcome everyone to visit online to learn more.”

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IPEG Acquires Long-Time Conair Partner Phoenix Systems

Phoenix Systems Corp., a Tustin, CA, supplier of high-volume conveying systems for plastic pellets and powders, has been acquired by IPEG Industrial Group, Cranberry Township, PA parent company of Conair and other leading brands serving the global plastics-processing, waste-recycling, and industrial heat-transfer markets. Financial terms of the deal, which closed on December 21, 2020, were not disclosed.

For more than 20 years, Conair, a global manufacturer of auxiliary equipment for plastics processing, has been collaborating on specialized powder conveying and railcar unloading equipment and technology with Phoenix. The company and its products will now become part of Conair, which already has an extensive family of material-handling equipment.

IPEG President Kirk Winstead said the acquisition “bolsters Conair bulk material-handling capabilities and enhances its ability to serve customers in certain industries, like packaging, which consume high-volumes of material. With that,” he continued, “we also acquire the applications knowledge and intellectual property, which will allow us to more easily develop new products and extend the line further.”

For his part, Leroy Johnson, former owner of Phoenix Systems, feels “fortunate to have had a very successful working relationship with Conair for many years. Conair’s emphasis on excellence in customer service and satisfaction aligned closely with my belief that putting the customer first builds strong and loyal customer relationships.   As I considered retirement, it was a natural progression to transition my products into the Conair brand.”

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PLC Control and Color Touch Screen Added to Conair EP2 Portable Chillers for Simpler Operation, Monitoring

The newest EP2 Series portable chillers from Conair now include PLC control and a 7-inch color touch screen HMI as standard equipment. Theses chillers – available with air-cooled, water-cooled, or remote air-cooled condensers – use a new sloped top electrical panel that places the large touch screen on the front of the unit at an ideal height and angle for easy viewing and operation.

New capabilities made possible by the EP2 chiller PLC control system include digital pump pressure display, compressor/pump/fan running hours, and performance trend charts for key operating parameters such as process fluid temperatures. The new controls also include Modbus RTU communications as standard to allow easy integration of the chillers with injection-molding machine controls or plant-wide process monitoring systems. In addition, the new control system is fully compatible with the SmartServices™ platform — Conair’s cloud-based Industry 4.0 solution for auxiliary equipment monitoring, management, and analysis.

An optional, premium EP2 control system provides an expanded PLC system that provides additional communications capabilities like:

  • Modbus TCP/IP
  • BACnet MS/TP
  • BACnet/IP
  • LonWorks
  • OPC/UA

The Conair EP2 chillers include many industry-leading design features. They are among the most energy-efficient chillers on the market, incorporating standard high-efficiency stainless steel brazed plate evaporators, stainless steel pumps, and Scroll compressors. For maximum flexibility and efficiencies under varying part-load conditions, the EP2 chillers offer variable-speed Scroll compressors technology options on 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, and 30-ton water-cooled and air-cooled chillers. By automatically adjusting the compressor speed, the optional variable-speed chillers work only as hard as necessary to provide optimum performance with significantly reduced power use.

EP2 air-cooled units are equipped with generously sized micro-channel condensers designed for industrial environments. Water-cooled units use cleanable shell-and-tube condensers and include a condenser-water regulating valve to provide constant head pressure. Remote condenser units are available to direct all heat outside the building.

All EP2 chillers meet severe-duty industrial cooling needs and provide additional resistance to harsh fluid conditions and operating environments. They feature stainless-steel pumps, stainless-steel evaporators, and a process-fluid circuit with corrosion-resistant materials to prevent rust and ensure clean, dependable operation for many years.

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New Coil Strapping System for Conair ATC Series Coilers Protects Extruded Tube and Simplifies Handling

A new coil strapping system, now introduced by Conair for its ATC Series tube coilers, automatically and securely straps finished coils of small-diameter extruded tubing. Handling coils up to 24 in (61 cm) in diameter, the system prevents tube damage or unraveling and making the coils far easier to grasp, handle and move. It uses roll-fed PP and PET strapping and is FDA compliant for medical-tube applications.

The optional system comes in two pieces: The first piece is a separate steel stand that holds two large strapping rolls, which is positioned approximately three feet from the end of the ATC Coiler.  The second piece is the automatic strapping head unit, which is mounted on a sturdy steel base that attaches directly to the base of the ATC Series coiler on the coil-outlet side. This consists of a strap guide roller, an alignment arm, and a combination strap cutter/welder head that affixes, cuts, and welds the strap material onto the coil. The strapping system control integrates directly with the ATC coiler control via a secure Ethernet communications connection.

In operation, the strapping system is actuated by a signal from the ATC coiler that a full coil of extruded tubing has moved into position. The alignment arm of the strapping system extends to check the coil position, followed by the cutter/welder head. The head attaches one end of the strap to the tube coil, which is then rotated until the wrap is completed. Then, the head cuts the strap material and ultrasonically welds the finished coil strap before retracting. The system can apply one, two, or four straps to a tube coil, based on user selection. (Note: Ultrasonic welding is a vibratory joining process that does not heat or distort finished tubing.)

The strapping system is fed by two 12,700 ft rolls of PE or PET strapping material, each of which contains enough to wrap up to 4,400 coils with one strap or 1,100 coils with four straps. Should strapping material run out, the ATC Coiler’s automatic in-line accumulator ensures that tubing production continues while new strapping rolls are loaded. No line shutdown is required.

The strapping system is available as a factory option for new ATC coilers or as a retrofit for existing units. Conair introduced the dual-spindle automatic cut-and-transfer ATC Series coiler in 2013 to provide tensionless, high-speed winding of small-diameter flexible tubing in sizes from 0.040 inch (1 mm) to 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) on coils up to 24 inches (61 cm) in diameter. The coiler fully automates transfer of tube winding when a coil is full, eliminating the need for operator involvement or process disruption.

Additional ATC Coiler features, including automatic unloading, conveying, and wrapping of strapped coils, are planned by Conair for future release.

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New Sensor Kits Enable Non-Computer Controlled Auxiliaries to Connect to Conair SmartServices™

New SmartServices™ sensor kits from Conair now make it possible to connect operating, performance, and alarm data from non-computer controlled auxiliary equipment to the SmartServices platform, Conair’s cloud-based Industry 4.0 solution for auxiliary equipment monitoring, management, and analysis.

The user-installed sensor kits are now available for use not only with Conair auxiliaries, but with a range of competitive auxiliary equipment including:

  • Temperature control units (TCU),
  • Positive-displacement vacuum-conveying pumps
  • Single- and dual-stage regenerative vacuum pumpsd
  • Portable loading/conveying systems
  • Desiccant dryers

These kits were created by Conair so auxiliary equipment that does not utilize computerized controls could be equipped with digital sensors and communications capabilities and linked to the cloud-based SmartServices platform with the same ease as newer equipment. Each user-installed kit contains common digital hardware, plus fluid-system fittings, sensors, and wiring specific to the equipment type. Digital hardware includes a SmartServices expansion box that receives sensor inputs via wiring and a SmartServices hub that securely exchanges data, via the facility’s local network, with the cloud-based analytics platform.

After installation, the new sensors monitor the performance and operating/maintenance status of each auxiliary, collecting data and operating information specific to the auxiliary type.  For example, sensors on the TCU can monitor coolant pressure, temperature, and flow rates, while those on vacuum pumps and conveying systems will monitor air flows and speeds, vacuum levels, and the like. At the same time, sensors will also monitor for operating alarms, track maintenance alerts, and observe the vibration and temperature status of motors for anomalies that could signal possible problems.

“Adding a SmartServices sensor kit to an auxiliary unit that doesn’t have a computerized control dramatically simplifies monitoring and saves maintenance,” explains Alan Landers, a Conair Product Manager. “Consider maintenance of a vacuum pump, for example. With SmartServices, you can establish a norm for pump vibration, then build high and low limits around that norm. The system will then track vibration automatically, offering regular reports or sending a text or e-mail alert to designated personnel if the level begins moving out of limits. Timely data like this can help save preventive maintenance by clearly indicating when maintenance is required. The alternative is to manually observe, measure, then guesstimate when preventive maintenance is needed. Or, you could wait for a breakdown.”

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Conair TrueRate® System Automatically Tracks Changes in Resin Inventories, Simplifies Resin Dispensing

The new TrueRate® intelligent inventory tracking system from Conair automatically tracks changes in the inventories of up to 500 different user-specified resins or flowable powders in a processing plant. Developed as an alternative to the use of single-component batch blenders for resin inventory measurement, the new TrueRate system utilizes highly accurate gravimetric measurement.

The TrueRate system is available in two sizes, consisting of an 8-inch weighing ring equipped with two load cells, or a 12-inch ring equipped with three. Both configurations connect to a separate electrical control panel containing a PLC. The weighing ring is mounted below a material loader or receiver but above a container or bin, where it uses resin information provided by the user to precisely calculate the change in weight of the loader/receiver before it discharges the material through the ring and into the container.

The system can operate in two modes:

  • In default or “totalizer” mode, the TrueRate system continuously and automatically measures the total resin flow through the receiver to a bin or container below. While doing so, it can display the weight for each load cycle, tabulate a running total (in lbs or kgs), and calculate the total throughput rate for a period of time (lb/hr or kg/hr).
  • In job (active) mode, the system adds an optional discharge valve to the weighing ring. This enables the TrueRate system to meter and dose a specified amount of material from the receiver mounted above into a bin or vessel located below. The system senses the amount of material accumulating in the vessel and uses a pneumatic cylinder to close the discharge valve as soon as the correct amount has been dispensed. The cylinder reopens the valve and the receiver cycle resumes when the TrueRate is ready to measure the next batch.

The system can be programmed and controlled in three ways: with an optional 4.3-inch touchscreen built into the system’s electrical control panel, with a Windows-based PC running a virtual network client viewer connected via Ethernet cable to the panel, or with both. Mode selection and programming is very simple. So too is connecting the TrueRate system to SmartServices, Conair’s cloud-based Industry 4.0 solution for auxiliary equipment monitoring, management, and analysis. All that is needed is a SmartServices hub and an Ethernet cable connected to the TrueRate system’s electrical control panel.

“TrueRate is a new and elegant way to track and regulate the receipt, flow, and usage of valuable resins and flowable powders throughout a plastics processing facility,” says Alan Landers, Conair’s Product Manager for Blending. “In totalizer mode, the system can, for example, accurately measure and validate the quantity of resin conveyed from a process bin that was loaded from a silo. Or, it can track the dispensing of that resin to the plant, leaving the processor with an accurate, running inventory,” he explains.

“In job mode, an operator can program the system to measure out a precise amount of material into a bin. For example, you can unload 400 pounds of material into a Gaylord, 25 pounds into a mixer, or 65 pounds into a container that is used to manually fill a rotational mold. Just put the container in place beneath the TrueRate system, and input the desired weight on the control interface. The system will dispense exactly the right amount and stop, so there’s no need for manual weighing and no guesswork or error in tracking the total throughput.”

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Hybrid Vacuum Pump Combines Quiet Operation with Long-Distance Conveying Power, Energy Savings

The multi-stage regenerative impeller design of the new Conair HRG Series vacuum pumps is the key to developing deep vacuum power for conveying plastic pellets over long distances, while keeping noise levels comfortably low. An optional variable-frequency drive is available to save energy and makes the new pump ideal for use in Conair Wave Conveying™ systems.

“Until now, processors have had to accept various trade-offs when selecting a central vacuum pump,” explains Rich Shaffer, VP Product Development. “Single-stage regenerative pumps are quiet and inexpensive but limited to short- and middle-distance conveying applications. Positive displacement pumps have been the workhorses of conveying — powerful and reliable but the low cost versions don’t handle long distances and are noisy. Long-distance pumps (LDP) are special positive displacement pumps that convey over long distances, at high rates, with low noise levels, but they can be quite expensive. Conair’s new hybrid regenerative pumps offers many of the best features of previous designs at a price that is about 30% lower than a comparable LDP unit.”

The secret is in the three-stage pump design, with regenerative impellers that smoothly cut, capture and compress the air with minimal draft or vibration. Like twin turbo chargers on automobile engines, the vacuum becomes deeper and more powerful at each stage allowing the HRG Series pumps to convey material up to 1000 linear feet. Vacuum levels below 12 inches of mercury are possible.

Hybrid regenerative technology makes the HRG pumps extremely quiet. Operating at 60 Hz, the average sound level ranges between 74 and 77 dBA, a comfortable range that does not require hearing protection.


Equipping the HRG pumps with a variable-speed drive (VFD) motor makes them ideal for use with Conair’s patented Wave Conveying System, which previously required a more costly LDP pump.

Instead of moving plastic materials at 5000 ft/min or more, creating dust, angel hair and equipment wear, Wave Conveying uses controlled speed conveying (300 to 2800 ft/min) to move material in compact slugs, waves or streams.

The VFD also saves energy by allowing the pump to operate using only the amount of power necessary to achieve the desired material speed and throughput. In fact, an HRG pump, running in a Wave Conveying System, was shown to save as much as 50% on energy compared to similarly sized positive-displacement pump at equivalent throughput rates. Even in standard (non-Wave) operation, savings of up to 25% were observed. In addition to energy savings, the VFD option extends pump life by only running at the capacity necessary.

The pumps are available in three different sizes: the HRG-10 has an 11.5-hp motor and is intended for 2.5-inch conveying lines; the HRG-15 (16.9 hp) and the HRG- 30 (42.9 hp) service up to 3-inch line sizes.

The new HRG pumps are also virtually maintenance free. The direct-drive system eliminates drive belts that wear and require constant adjustment. No lubrication is required.

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